Backup Agent v15

The Backup Agent is a tool designed to help streamline the backup process by putting all open files into Continuous Operations Mode.  For more information about this process, please see our main web site's Backup Agent page.

Backup Agent v15 is designed for use with Actian Zen v15 ONLY. If you currently have a Zen v15 Server Engine, or if you have a Zen Cloud Server 15 Engine, then you can simply download and install the software -- no license is required. If you are running the 32-bit Workgroup Engine, the Backup Agent is available at additional cost here.

The Actian part number for the Backup Agent v15 licenses are:
  • BA-970250-07: Backup Agent for Zen v15 Workgroup Engine, Windows 32-bit
Backup Agent v15
Goldstar SKU: BA15
Price: $595.00