AuditMaster v14

AuditMaster is a great tool to track who is doing what, when, and from where, to your data.  For more information about this product, please see our main web site's Auditmaster page.

AuditMaster v14 is designed for use with Actian Zen v14 Server or Zen Cloud Server 14 Engines, and will work on either 32-bit or 64-bit Server engines.  The AuditMaster license you purchase is for a single server, regardless of your engine user count. 

If you are running PSQLv13 or older, this license will NOT work for you. Please go up one level and select the correct license version.

The Actian part number for the AuditMaster v14 licenses are:
  • AM-962051-06: Per Server License for Windows
AuditMaster v14
Goldstar SKU: AM14
Price: $6,640.00