Btrieve 6.15 Server

The Btrieve 6.15 database engine provides you with the the best navigational database technology of the 1990's!  These engines are supported on either Novell NetWare or Windows NT/2000 Servers and Workstations.

These licenses are valid for either Windows or NetWare servers. Please note, however, that each engine is PLATFORM DEPENDENT, and you cannot use a license on a different platform. Also, licenses are fixed in size, and NOT stackable.

For specific licensing or product questions, please see our main product page. Or, contact us for a formal quote!
Goldstar SKU: Btrv010
The original Pervasive part number for the 10-User engine is 10-150812-02 (NetWare) and 10-150612-02 (Windows). 
Price: $400.00
10-User Upgrade from 5
Goldstar SKU: Btrv010U5
The original Pervasive part number for the 10-User engine upgrade from the 5-User is 10-160812-1-01 (NetWare). 
Price: $150.00
Goldstar SKU: Btrv020
The original Pervasive part number for the 20-User engine is 10-150813-02 (NetWare).
Price: $750.00
Goldstar SKU: Btrv050
The original Pervasive part number for the 50-User engine is 10-150614-02.
Price: $1,000.00